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We posses a rare combination of being just young enough to be savvy with technology and just old enough to know who we are and what we want. This gives us an advantage that no other generation before us has had.

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  1. We are not dead. In fact, we are resilient. We have overcome everything life has thrown at us. Births, deaths, broken hearts, broken wallets, broken bones, broken dreams. Yet, we remain loving, compassionate, and strong.

  2. We are tired. We have carried all of the above, often alone. And that’s okay. It has made us independent, powerful, and wise. Yet, we understand that we thrive in community with one another.

  3. We are passionate. Not only in the way that you think of women and passion. We do everything with deep emotion. We continue to give love, have faith, while we raise up and encourage others.

  4. We are beautiful. Not only to the eye, but to the heart and soul. We are ever-evolving creative beings who are in sync with nature using our bodies as portals between heaven and earth and we are aligned with the tides and the moon.

  5. We are powerful. All of our individual as well as collective experiences have created wise, empowered, invincible, amazing sages.

    And we’ve only just begun!

    Author’s Notes:
    Midlife purposeThe most empowering lesson I’ve learned working with women of all ages, in all stages of life is Gen X women (1964-1979) are the first generation where “the pause” is being celebrated with fulfilling our dreams and ambitions. By this time in our live’s we’ve learned life is not fair, nor is anything guaranteed. The combination of being just young enough to be savvy with technology and just old enough to know who we are and what we want, gives us an advantage that no other generation has had. Do you realize we are changing the changes for our daughters and every generation thereafter? That’s a pretty powerful movement that we all are taking part in and giving to ourselves, one another, and to the world. ~ CinDiLo


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