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Midlife at 50 may be a stretch, but now is when I'm feeling it. A bit of panic setting in to do the things I haven't done, while at the same time anticipating excitement for my future.

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When is Midlife? It seems to me that it’s more of a series of milestones than an age.

My wise-guy son commented that I am past midlife. I told him for that remark, I will live to 100 just to annoy him!

I’ve always been a late bloomer, even when losing teeth as a child. In first grade everyone was getting cash from the tooth fairy except me! My period, 14. Actually needing a bra, 16. Growing up being small, short, and as skinny as Olive Oil was not fun. By the time I could wear adult size shoes and clothes, yes, also 16. If I were a teen now I would probably have to drive to my prom in a booster seat, I’m really not kidding. By the time I looked like an adult, I was maybe 30 (then after 30 I didn’t mind getting carded to buy a drink).

Your second childhood is up to YOU! ~ CinDiLo

Hell, I’m still waiting for my legs to shoot up another 5 inches! Boobs shooting up 5 inches these days wouldn’t be bad either, but up, only up. To top it all off, at 4’11” in my prime, I truly think my height is going backwards and I’m now the Incredible Shrinking Woman.

So yea, midlife at 50 may be a stretch, but now is when I’m feeling it. A bit of panic setting in to do the things I haven’t done, while at the same time anticipating excitement for my future.

From most of my midlife community I’m hearing the milestones are where you feel it, no matter your age. Some of us had kids going to college, or leaving the nest when we were only 40. For many it’s a sudden job loss, parent loss, divorce, or illness between 45-60 where we lose our safe, predictable life and feel a real gut punch. We are facing “I’m no longer this, I have to adjust, and now learn how to be that.”

So, when did the Clock Strike Midlife for you? Continue our conversation on IG: @whentheclockstrikesmidlife

Speaking for myself, after the whirlwind of parenthood settled down, I suddenly felt a sense of rebirth. A freedom and enthusiasm for the future, my future, my future with my husband, my sons’ futures.

The older you get the faster time goes ~ My Dad 
Get this quote and 51 more in my quote journal When The Clock Strikes Midlife, It’s YOUR Time To Shine ✨

It’s had me looking at the past saying cliches my parents said like ‘Where did the time go?’ I clearly remember my parents saying that but now that I’m here, I truly feel those words. I’ve been thinking: How and when did we raise two children who are now men and ready to fly the nest?

I know many moms and dads who really feel a loss when their children no longer fill the house with laughter, noise, friends, odors, and water bottles. It does take some getting used to, but IMO, empty nest isn’t so bad. Things stay where you left them, you’ll always have hot water for your shower, you can even walk around without a bra, or even clothes for that matter, or just your French maid apron (mom tip: if you tell them this, they will never stop by unexpectedly)!

Kidding aside, we all miss them and life is definitely not the same as it had been the last 20-25 years. Yet, like everything else, it all lies in your perception. While I do miss the way things used to be, when we were all under one roof, when the boys wanted to hang out with us and actually thought we were cool, when they were excited to go out for pizza and ice cream. Now you get a call or just a text once a week and wonder who these grown humans are that are calling me mom?

So what’s next? How can we create the next chapter? The beauty is it can be anything we want it to be. And, yes, I already hear your excuses, “I don’t have time, I don’t have money, I don’t have the energy,” etc. Ok. So, what then? Are you going to watch TV, go to Target in your sensible shoes and scroll through Facebook every day and night until the end of (your) time on this Earth? Really, I want you to answer this question to yourself honestly.

If you do want to chill out for the next 30 years I don’t blame you. Many days I want to lay in a hammock & drink Pina Coladas and look for dog and bunny shapes in the clouds. But lately I’m feeling a yearning, a calling to get back to me, my dreams, my joy, “my” life. It’s true Pina Coladas can get me there and will definitely be in the plan for my future, but I want something more. How about you?

Author’s Notes: Midlife purposeTake some time to think about your future, which includes tomorrow, and the weekend, and next month, and next year. If you dreamed of doing something, do it! Maybe you won’t be able to go to Paris, or Vegas, or even Baltimore, but do something each week to fill that yearning for adventure. Whatever it is, find a way to get there, and if you can’t, adjust your sails and your attitude. Make life an adventure! Comment below, I’d love to hear how you currently do, or you plan to bring adventure into your (mid)life. ~CinDiLo

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