About Gen-X and Me
"We are the first generation where "the pause" is being celebrated by fulfilling our dreams and ambitions. We are changing "the changes" for our daughters and every generation thereafter. That is a powerful movement we are giving to ourselves, one another, and the history of women."
About Our Generation
We are labeled Generation-X (born 1965-1979), and from what I’ve experienced working with our generation through the years, we are the first generation where “the pause” is being celebrated! We are motivated to continue fulfilling our dreams and ambitions and not fading into the “I’m too old” mindset. At this time in our lives we have learned that life isn’t always fair, or guaranteed. The combination of being just young enough to be savvy with technology, and just old enough to know who we are and what we want, has afforded our generation to create second-acts, continue our education, and become entrepreneurs Midlife women are starting businesses faster than any other demographic.

"After my sandwich generation burn-out at 45, I learned that lack of self-care was impacting all areas of my life. Out of necessity and for my sanity, I created the one-page 'Midlife-On-Purpose Planner' (get a copy by subscribing to this blog) and finally put myself on my priority list! Now it is my mission to share these tools with fellow Gen-X women."
About CinDiLo
I’m CinDiLo. I was always a late bloomer, so midlife at 50 was just about right for me. It seems to me that midlife is more of a series of milestones than a specific age. My wise-guy teenage son said “you’re not middle-aged, you’re 50!” My reply “I am going to live to 100 just to annoy you!”
After 25 years in law and academia where I assisted women during life transitions and rebuilding their lives and futures through divorce, continuing education, re-entry to the workforce, career transition and second acts.
In 2018 I created my own second-act of blogging, freelance writing, and leading workshops for fellow Generation-X women seeking more and wanting to learn the art of balance and how to live their life on purpose.
In this blog I write about my journey as a midlife woman with perspective and humor, addressing the turmoil, joy, and realizations that come with it. This blog’s platform focuses on guiding women who want to rescue themselves: MIND. BODY, and SOUL.
I’ve authored a quote journal When The Clock Strikes Midlife…It’s YOUR Time To Shine I am a personal midlife shopper on the Facebook Group Midlife Marketplace, Lifestyle Solutions to Live Your Best (Mid)Life I am also a member of Women of Wisdom Bloggers and Co-Organizer of a local writer’s group Writer’s Write, Right?
My work has been featured in:
- Passionista Women's Equality Summit 2021
- Make Midlife Magical Summit 2021
- Women in the Middle Podcast
- Working Mother Media
- Grown & Flown Media
- New Jersey Works TV Career Show WNJN-PBS
- Career Starter 2nd Ed.
- New Jersey Law Journal
- Legal Assistant Today Magazine
- Paralegal Press
* This website contains some affiliate links which help cover the costs of hosting this website and provide you with quality items or services to enhance your (mid)life.