“What yoga thing did you go to?” My friends asked as I arrived at the bar in my yoga clothes. “A yoga thing.” I replied as they were already a few drinks in for St. Patrick’s Day celebrations on a Saturday at the Jersey Shore.
It had been a long Saturday for me and although I’m a native New Yorker, this was only the second time I traveled to Manhattan alone and buying a ticket at the computerized kiosk without it eating my debit card was my first victory. The true test came when riding the commuter train and at each stop we picked up more and more young ‘uns decked out in bright green hats, beads and scarves and apparently they were ready for a 10 a.m. happy hour and a liquid breakfast.
Upon arrival, along with my festive, green-donned train buddies, I funneled into Penn Station and mixed into the sea of green navigating underground like salmon swimming upstream. The festive crowd created long lines in all of the rest rooms, even the mens’ rooms, so I decided to hold it and was now concerned that I wouldn’t make it to my yoga thing on time.

My guardian angel must have been with me because a kind soul helped me get on the right subway to 72nd Street and from there I had to walk fast while trying not to think about how hungry I was or how much I had to “go.”
Thanks to my GPS, a little sweat and a little anxiety, I made it to Pure Yoga West, whew!

So, what was this yoga thing I attended?
‘On Being Human’ with Jen Pastiloff named after her book that was coming out a few months later On Being Human
It’s my gift to myself. As part of my own self-care where I treated my soul to self growth, yoga poses done badly, a little woo-woo, some journaling, laughing, singing, dancing, hugging & shedding some tears too.
Why did I schlep over the (Hudson) River and through the woods on a beautiful Saturday that hinted at the first signs of Spring during one of the most popular parades ever?
This is my why:
In an effort to walk my walk and talk my talk, when I preach to my fellow Midlife Princesses about self-care, I need to be caring for myself too. Right? Knowing I will show up for you forces me to show up for all of us, myself included.
I’m taking a dose of my own medicine by following the self-care schedule* I created. It helps me plan time for myself daily, monthly, quarterly and yearly. So, for my first quarter of 2019, a self-growth event gets checked off my list.
So, what happened at this yoga thing? Well, Jen Pastiloff herself admits she is never sure how to explain it. It’s an experience where you need to leave your ego, judgment, and fears at the door. And if you didn’t, you will shed them on the way out. I promise.
Btw, Jen Pastiloff finally wrote a book! I say finally because if you followed her on social media years ago, she was a yoga instructor, but her writing is what captured me. Well, that and the fact that she wears hearing aids too and can’t hear during yoga. The struggle is real.
Another big why for me is that my 2019 Word of the Year is Vulnerability. Its definition literally is you’re comfortable opening up to other people. You’re willing to look someone in the eyes and spill your soul. Easier said than done in a room full of strangers, right?
I admit I have a problem loosening up physically and also smiling. Yes, smiling. As ridiculous as that sounds. In recent years I’ve try hard not to have resting bitch face. I can’t help it though, it’s been perfected by many ancestors before me and in my DNA.

In the photos Jen posted on her Instagram, I am in the background looking kinda serious. I can tell you I was happy and glowing inside. These were my people. As the afternoon went on so many others like me loosened up and shared with and cried with and hugged with.
The synergy in that room of dozens women listening, understanding and loving was second to none. I love this stuff. It is not too woo-woo for me.
Jen took us on a journey, she shared a bit about her journey, encouraging us to honor our journey, no matter where we think we should be. “Don’t should all over yourself,” she says and claims it’s not her original quote, it’s just written on a pillow she has at home.
So, my 5 take always from attending ‘On Being Human’ @pureyoganyc :
1. Give myself a f@cking medal ’cause no one else is. No one is going to save you, or knock on your door, or give you a f@cking medal. Save yourself, open your own door & give YOURSELF a medal!
2. It’s okay to change your mind. Whenever.
3. I am enough. And so are you. No matter how many times many women are told this, they don’t feel it so they don’t believe it.
4. Don’t should all over myself. My life “should have” been x, y, or z is my own B.S. that I beat myself up over. Stop!
j5. Last, but most definitely not least, smile!
In that room of women, from Teens to Women of Wisdom, every one who was brave enough to share their soul revealed their thoughts that they were not enough, not beautiful enough, not loved enough, and that they are never validated or appreciated, and they are not worthy of love in some way.
So, I say to all of them and all of YOU: Save yourself FIRST, then you can save others, and the world … but not with a glass slipper, with a Glass ? & Slippers ?

P.S. One more thing, I promise. In one exercise we wrote our intention, goal, or dream, etc. on a sticky note, and we stuck them on the wall and someone took my dream note and I took another’s, etc… that unknown person’s dream that I picked out has now subliminally become mine. I know, that’s kind of woo woo, but I’m telling you, ‘clarity’ is showing up for me everywhere. Carry on! Oh, and order Jen’s Book On Being Human
Author’s Notes: Take some time to think about how you can give yourself the care you need and deserve. Make life an adventure, there’s no time for anything else! Comment below, I’d love to hear how you plan to bring self care into your every day, week, month, year! ~CinDiLo
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